Saturday 22 February 2020

February Show and Tell

Fabrics that go "bump"?  Perhaps not bumps in this lively scarf from Chris, maybe more of a gentle ripple. Various threads including silk and ribbons make sure this piece does not go unnoticed. The glorious colour tops it off.

The warp for this piece from Rose is 16/1 linen, doubled, with two different colours being run together for the subtle shading (as well as the stash reduction of oddments.) The weft is a fine cotton with small slubs or knots, a reminder of our late friend June.

Judy B had a lot of us drooling over the jewel-like colours of silk available from Glenora. This company is no longer in New Zealand but, hey, it's just over the ditch in Australia which sometimes seems closer to us than the extreme distances of our own country. Looking forward to seeing what Judy will do with this.

Jolet was disappointed in her first piece. The yarn is from June's stash and has a lovely tweedy look to it. Unknown to Jolet, this yarn feels harsh because of the spinning oil still in it. We used to get a lot like this in the old days so it brought back memories. We promised Jolet it would improve no end after washing and become more like a fabric and less like a sack. The creamy colour and brown fleck will make a great cloth with no need for any pattern weaving.

Rose is determined not to forget June. The dark thread in this bobbin lace tree is also from her stash. It is fine and shiny and has multiple colours of red, green and blue and was perfect for working the lace on this tree.  The long ends were then manipulated into branches and roots. The tree was lifted off the lace pillow and attached to a handwoven table runner that made an ideal background.
More Show and Tell to come in a few days.

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