Here are some photos from the February meeting. It was really great to have fifteen of us sitting around the table. This included two new members and we look forward to watching their weaving skills develop.
Barbara, Kathy and Anne are interested in what Chris has to say about her crackle cushion covers.
Tricia knits a sock while new member Kathy and Anne investigate Joan's scarf.
The scarf moves on to Jenny, Barbara and Chris who are obviously delighted with it.
Betsy had one woven and one knitted scarf to show, both lovely and soft to handle.
Judy holds up Rose's alpaca/silk wrap while Win and Jan look on.
Jan has been busy tapestry weaving and had two finished pieces.
Neta is at her first weavers' meeting and probably wondering what she has let herself in for.
See them, and more show and tell items in the next post.