Monday 5 August 2019

More Treasures

Some of those whose indigo interest was whetted by the last post will have enjoyed an indigo dyeing workshop held at Bobbin Cottage over the weekend. A quick visit showed everyone intently focused on either dipping their fabrics in the magic pot or neatly folding and tying the fabric on to plastic pipes to achieve the shibori technique. We hope for photos of the finished pieces in the near future.
In the meantime here are some more pics from Joan, our intrepid traveller. How much more meaningful these treasures must be for someone who takes a backpack and heads off to Armenia, Turkey, China or wherever to find them and see first hand how they are made.

Turkey (embroidered)

Hard, hard felt hat

Intricate flowers from folded fabric

This is how you treat fine cotton with ox blood in china

Ox blood pounded in makes a shiny impervious fabric

Accordian pleated, by hand and eye. No need for complex tools.

Pleats are permanent.