Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Heritage Day at the Park

Waitangi Day is Heritage Day at Brayshaw Park and, along with other Park users our Guild fronts up and flies the CF flag providing information and demonstrations.  It is just as well the Park authorities splashed out on a new flag because this is what the previous one looked like in the nor'west season a month ago.
Joan did a great job warping up the loom with a narrow 'Blooming Leaf' overshot design and brought along a sample of 'Cathedral Windows' quilting using woven blocks of the same design.

Joan's plan is for everyone (not just weavers) to weave a square for themselves . . . so take along a small amount of weft yarn of a colour of your choice and get weaving. Help is at hand if you have not woven before - and it really is easy.

Jan demonstrated inkle loom weaving, incorporating beads to fit in with the Guild theme for the month.
Rose sat in the sun and worked on her tatting and (inadvertently) her suntan.

Spinners gathered at the Girling Building and at times were hard to see for the crowd around them.

Well done!  A good start to the year.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

January Meeting Part 2

Jan's Tapestry Cushion (above) and Jen and her scarves below).

Judy wove these scarves in lovely mercerised cotton. Jenny models one for her.

 Thank you to Joan for these photos and also many thanks for her hospitality to start off the year.

 Keep watching. There will be photos from Heritage Day soon.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Happy New Year

2013 began for the Weaving Group with a gathering at Burnside, Joan's home up the Wairau Valley. What a great way to start the year. And people have been busy as there was a lot to show and tell.

Win had persevered with the alpaca 'dog' she had on the loom in the previous post, and look at it now!  Who would think it had caused so much anguish.
Win had also ventured into weaving with linen. Note the hand manipulated lace at top and bottom as well as the loom controlled lace in the centre.
Yet another fibre. This time it is Judy with silk scarves. They're gorgeous Judy. If only we could touch them!

That's enough to ponder on for now. More photos from this meeting in a few days.