Tuesday 1 May 2018

Wearables, past and present

The topic for the April meeting was "handwoven wearables."  Are we learning to be bolder and less afraid of scissors? It appears not. We had a mix of "oldish" and "even older" garments that had been brought out from backs of wardrobes and top cupboards, but not a lot of more recent work. We re-discovered what we always knew - that a good design, well tailored, is timeless, and most of our more mature treasures can still be worn today. We also learned a few more things:
- handwovens never wear out!
- a shape that looks good on one person may not suit another
- we like lining
- finishing touches are important
Will this meeting prompt us into a new round of producing wearables for ourselves?  
Will we join with other CF members in entering the Runway Challenge for the Palmerston North Festival in 2019?

Here are some of the garments we saw and discussed.

Come on weavers. Be brave and weave some beautiful fabric and make yourselves a fashion garment to be proud of.

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