Sunday, 8 February 2015

Heritage Day at Brayshaw Park

Waitangi Day, 6 February saw activity in every corner of the park - not that we weavers saw any of it except what went on in Bobbin cottage.  We had planned to warp up the Guild loom ready for anyone and everyone to "have a go" at weaving cushion covers and that is what we did. It was a team effort with Joan, Win, Chris, Tricia and Rose all having a hand in it, though, mercifully, not all at once!
Feltima sat outside and welcomed the visitors.
 Our little displayof samples, ancient and modern, was certainly colourful
complemented by some new finished work which had Pam wondering about the crackle technique.
Colour also brightened up the day with the new warp dyed by Joan. 
Considering most of it had been 'boring beige' as you will see from the cop under the loom, 
we were all most impressed. Thank you Joan.

We were too occupied getting the warp on to remember to take photos earlier, 
but here is Chris starting the weaving with Joan as consultant.  
The instructions for weaving are attached to the loom 
and there are plenty of shuttles ready wound with even more colours, 
so next time you are at Bobbin Cottage, why not HAVE A GO!
A contrast in colour and fineness, this is a scarf of Joan's which she put the last picks into on the day. 
It's white silk with stripes of narrow ribbon giving it a lovely texture.
Nancy and Jan were loyal supporters throughout, each doing their own thing and attending to the many visitors.
Always keeping her eye out for a new pattern, Jan takes notes of a new find.
Pincushions from the end of year meeting were part of the display and here are some handwoven ones.
Thanks to all who took part, including the spinners who did their demonstrating in the Girling building.


Fran said...

Way to go, ladies!!

Fran in Calgary, Alberta

Fran said...

Way to go, ladies!!

Fran in Calgary, Alberta

Rose said...

Hello Fran. Thank you for dropping in on our page from the other side of the world.