Sunday 31 October 2010

Garden Marlborough Once Again

From Friday 5 November to Sunday 7th the Marlborough Weavers and Felters will be holding their annual display. "Weave It! Felt It!" is held to coincide with the final weekend of Hunters Garden Marlborough, one of the really big events on the Marlborough calendar which culminates in a Fete in Seymour Square on the Sunday.

The display is across the road from the Square, in the St Andrew's Church complex (the stone church with the glass spire.) Friday and Saturday 10am till 5pm and Sunday 11am till 4pm. The same venue also provides tea and coffee and a sitting-down spot for rest and recovery for those with retail fatigue. If you are in the area, do come and visit. Most of the work is for sale. Free admission.

by Rose Pelvin


Judy said...


click on;

Meg said...

This is what Judy meant:

Rose said...

I've been trying to change the main photo to Meg's blue scarf from last year but (in a hurry) can't see how to do it. The blue scarf is the pic that is attached to our name so should come up each time we post something.

We are also listed on the CF website. Learning all the time!