Saturday 20 February 2010

February Meeting

At our February meeting this past Monday, Joan lead the group discussing weave structures and other considerations for weaving fabrics for garments, our goal of the year.

There was not a lot of show and tell Monday night, but here are some:

Recent discussions about the "Friendship Blanket" project from years ago prompted Joan to find hers. She remembers everyone who contributed a square and most of the names of the patterns.

Just to show that she did do a sample first!

The Guild was "in residence" at Bobbin Cottage at the Heritage Day celebration on Waitangi Day and Chris wove this colourful scarf while demonstrating. Luscious yarns and lace weave too.

The Festival Challenge for Whangarei (National Guild's annual meeting this year) is "pockets and pouches" so Jan brought along these gorgeous bags she embroidered. Unfortunately she can't enter them as they were done in a class.

I brought along the baby blankets that had been on the loom at the last meeting. Still in one piece but a step nearer completion.

by Rose Pelvin

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