Sunday 14 June 2009

Lesley Designs a Postcard

The Tapestry Group decided to make a small Postcard display as a contribution to the Marlborough Guild 40th Birthday Exhibition, Funky Fibres. We asked Lesley Nicholls, a founding member, if she would like to contribute. She arrived at Easter with a newspaper cutting of a planned real estate subdivision and a small bag of wool. She outlined various shapes on the paper cutting, made a cartoon of the plan and wove it all in bright colours . There it was .... a Post card!!! Try it ....any interesting collection of shapes will do.

Seen in the picture, from right, are the Tapestry Group members, Jan Hannay, Dawn Glen, Lesley and Jenny Murray.

by Win Currie

1 comment:

Meg said...

Fabulous work. I have a hard time getting my head around abstraction, but the first two pics are lovely examples; not too abstract, so I can still relate.